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hey friend!

Dog-mom, wife and a brand nerd

hey there! I'm Gina

I'm so glad you stopped by! Just like every brand has a story, let me tell you a piece of my personal brand story. I was born and raised in Pennsylvania. After college and working in the graphic design industry for several years, I met my husband. Raised in north Mississippi with his family's commercial construction business of nearly 40 years, we decided to move to the Tupelo, MS after our we got married. Two months before our wedding day, my husband unfortunately was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The start to our life together was full of all the emotions and wasn't always easy but we clung to what was important to us to get through the ups and downs - our faith, family, and each other. I tell you this because I want you to know that personal stories and what matters to us is what feeds our business goals - creating our brand.

And so my journey continued

I believe that at the heart of every successful brand is a genuine story waiting to be told.

As I formed my new path in a different region, I quickly realized what was a big help to me -  meeting people that I could connect with and listening to their story. We all are just trying to navigate life and make it the best we can and we all have something to share that is uniquely ours if we just listen - that is no different when it comes to the businesses we dream to create. After working for several marketing agencies in North Mississippi, I made the leap to form my own branding agency, 88 West, a successful company that I later sold to my business partner. After years of building relationships and working with some amazing businesses, I felt a call to draw closer to my clients and dive deeper into their brand story with them. Now as a brand coach I am committed to guiding business owners like you through the intricate process of brand development


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and now

By showing up authentically as you

I believe that real people are behind real brands, and it's this human connection that transforms a good brand into a great one. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working closely with businesses across various industries, helping them to uncover their core values, articulate their brand position, and visually narrate their unique brand stories. This journey of discovery and expression is what excites me the most about what I do. I can't wait to meet and work with you and reveal what your brand story is so we can share that with the world together.


Award-winning brand design!

We are so proud of Gina for winning a Silver ADDY at the AAF Mississippi Gulf Coast for our branded 40th anniversary campaign! We are so proud of her and so grateful for the fine work she did to elevate our brand during our campaign.


~ Northeast Mississippi Habitat for Humanity

what they said


Tune in online

Brand it like you mean it webinars

Imagine feeling more confident showing up on social media, pricing your products and selling your services. Building a brand you are clear on makes all the difference.


Design Magazine


If you don't give the market the story to talk about, they'll define your brand's story for you.

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